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时间:2016-01-05  浏览量:9916

步态分析(Gait Analysis)是以实验动物为研究对象,根据不同实验目的选取相应的动物疾病模型或造成该疾病模型,通过观察并记录实验动物在该疾病状态下的步态行为学改变,对相应步态参数进行客观、精细、全面地分析统计,进而对动物模型的药效学和(或)毒理学评价提供科学性实验依据。目前步态分析已广泛应用于老年性疾病,如帕金森氏病(慌张步态)、皮质脊髓束病变(痉挛性偏瘫步态和痉挛性截瘫步态)、双侧额叶病变(失用步态)、额叶(皮质或白质)病变(小步态)、骨髓损伤性病变(剪刀步态)、锥体外系病变(慌张步态和扭曲、奇异步态)、小脑病变(共济失调步态)、小脑病变(舞蹈样步态)、酒精或巴比妥类中毒(醉酒步态)、心因性疾病(癔症步态)的研究。





Schweizer N, Pupe S, Arvidsson E, et al. Limiting glutamate transmission in a Vglut2-expressing subpopulation of the subthalamic nucleus is sufficient to cause hyperlocomotion[J]. PNAS, 2014, 111: 7837 – 7842..


Yasui D H, Gonzales M L, Aflatooni J O, et al. Mice with an isoform-ablating Mecp2 exon 1 mutation recapitulate the neurologic deficits of Rett syndrome[J]. Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, 23(9): 2447-2458.


Cheret C, Willem M, Fricker F R, et al. Bace1 and Neuregulin-1 cooperate to control formation and maintenance of muscle spindles[J]. The EMBO Journal, 2013: 114.


Andersson L S, Larhammar M, Memic F, et al. Mutations in DMRT3 affect locomotion in horses and spinal circuit function in mice[J]. Nature, 2012, 488: 642646.


Ma L X, Hu B Y, Liu Y, et al. Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived GABA Neurons Correct Locomotion Deficits in Quinolinic Acid-Lesioned Mice[J]. Cell Stem Cell, 2012, 10: 455-464.